So i decided to draw them all by hand and a few of my crew help with the coloring in .
"ONE MAN CAN ONLY DO SO MUCH ". i had 200 copies to get done in one week .
i could have gotten away with a 100 ! i still have a ton of theses but i didn't
really market them to any of the skate shops. so if you want one send me 12
bucks and it's pot luck on what you might get ...
3 wilfred blvd
hicksville ny , 11801
So my name is actually Hazel. At first when I saw Matt Cartledge's English notebook with my name on it I began to have a skeptical feeling towards him. Later on I found out that you guys sponsored him, or shall I say Matt is now under the aegis of the Hazel Skateboarding company. What a silly co-inky-dink, eh?